Twisted Petals

Twisted Petals
(Taken by me.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No Makeup: You are beautiful.

This is what I'm all about.

This is a picture of me with no makeup on (okay, I have chapstick on.)

I prefer wearing makeup and think I look better with it on- but that doesn't mean I should believe I'm ugly, right? Reality is, all of us ladies feel or have felt ugly at some point in our lives. We all don't see the potential we really have. Here's another reality flash for you: We all have imperfections. None of us are perfect. Even the supermodels you see on billboards have imperfections. In fact, almost none of what you see about them is real.

Take a look at this video to understand what I mean. Your mind will be blown:

As the video says at the end, "No wonder our perception of beauty is so distorted." Everything magazines and advertisements present is fake. The models are smothered with makeup and then edited away on computers. We ladies try to reach the goal of what is called "beautiful" today, when really, that goal is unreachable.

This is where we need to look at ourselves on the inside and realize what's really important, inner beauty.   You could be the most beautiful girl in the world and have no friends because you were a terrible person.  Unfortunately, people (especially today) tend to look at each other and judge them based on their appearance. THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SHOULD SEE A PERSON! Take the time to get to know a person before you judge them.

As for beauty itself, you just need to know one thing. In God's eyes, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! In the end, that's all that matters! He's the one who made you, in fact, the Bible even says, "The King is enthralled by your beauty."

You are a beautiful creation. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

Thank you for reading!
Comments are appreciated! :)

~Halle XOXO